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2nd Annual

Mary Warner Fall Classic

Presented by:



Soccer Plaza - Indoor Soccer Facility

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November 11th - 13th

Valley Ridge Park

 2850 Park Ridge Drive, Cedar Hill, TX 75104


Tournament Director

Chris Lopez




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Recreational Teams Only (NTSSA Sanctioned)


Online check-in required


Games played on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Only Requests Honored are for Multiple Teams and/or League Games)


3 Guest Players Allowed (with completed guest player forms), all other players must be listed on your recreational roster.

Guest players must be registered recreational to play.


Max Roster must conform to NTSSA rules (including guest players):

        6U-8U: 8, 9U-10U: 12, 11U-12U: 16, 13U-14U: 18 and 15U-16U: 22


Divisions with  will play a minimum of 3 games each


All teams 8U (2015 and under) will have no semis or finals, participation awards will be given to all teams.

All teams 9U (2014 and older) will receive awards based on their Final Standings after completion of tournament.


Please see our Rules and Bracketing Guidelines, anything not covered in those documents will follow North Texas State Soccer Association Tournament Rules.



5U-6U: 4v4 (no goalie) - $225

7U-8U: 4v4 (no goalie) - $250

9U-10U: 7v7 - $300

11U-12U: 9v9 - $325

13U-14U: 11v11 - $375

15U-16U: 11v11 - $400

17U-19U: 11v11 - $400


Tournament Guest Player Release Form and Rules

NTSSA youth guest player release form – MUST be completed and signed by parent, releasing coach, receiving coach and home association signature (incomplete forms will NOT be accepted). Players must be registered with their home association.  Players registered as academy/competitive players only, are NOT allowed to guest play on a recreational team. Guest player forms must be turned in by the deadline-NO EXCEPTIONS. Guest player forms will not be accepted on game day.

Recreational Teams
6U-8U boys and girls, 4v4, 3 guest players allowed
9U-10U boys and girls, 7v7, 3 guest players allowed
11U-12U boys and girls, 9v9, 3 guest players allowed
13U-19U, 11v11, 3 guest players allowed


Tournament Refund Policy

Any team that cancels or withdraws after the deadline will NOT receive a refund. If inclement weather cancels the tournament prior to the first scheduled game, all teams will receive a refund equal to 50% of their entry fee to cover start up cost of the tournament. If inclement weather cancels the tournament after scheduled games have started, no refunds will be issued. If we end up with an odd number of teams for your age group, we may not be able to field your team in the tournament.  If we have already processed your payment and you are in one of these age groups, you will be contacted and your team will receive a full refund. CHSA Tournament committee reserves the right to decide on all matters pertaining to this tournament.  All rules not provided for here will refer to the NTSSA, USYS, and FIFA rules for application.



To help make our tournament one of the most successful, well-run tournaments in North Texas; we are always on the lookout for highly qualified referees. If you would like to join our team as a referee for this years' tournament, please contact:

Referee Assignor

Cathy Collins, ( for more information.


To become a vendor, sponsor or provide a donation, please contact our Tournament Director.


© 2018 Created by Cedar Hill Soccer Association

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