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  • WHAT ARE THE SEASON DATES?  Fall season games start after Labor Day and run from September through November just before Thanksgiving.  Spring Season runs from late February through Early June.

  • HOW MANY GAMES WILL MY CHILD PLAY? You can expect  8 - 10 games to be played over the course of the season.  Games rained out during the season may, or may not, be rescheduled.



  • WHEN IS SPRING REGISTRATION? Spring season registration opens online in December of the previous season and closes by the end of January depending on if the teams are full or not.  Best to register early.  

  • WHEN IS FALL REGISTRATION? Fall season registration opens online in June of the previous season and closes by the middle of August depending on if the teams are full or not.  Best to register early.

  • DOES CHSA HAVE A SUMMER LEAGUE? No, we do not have a summer league due to weather.

  • WHAT AGES DO YOU HAVE TEAMS FOR?  We accept players from age 3 to age 18.  We do not currently have an adult league.

  • CAN I REGISTER MY CHILD AFTER THE SEASON HAS STARTED?  We allow late registration on an as-needed basis only.  

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD ATTENDS A PRIVATE, CHARTER, OR HOMESCHOOL? The boundaries of the public school district in which the player lives determines their residency for their soccer home association, not what school they attend. .

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD HAS NOT PLAYED IN ANOTHER ASSOCIATION? When filling out the form online, if you have not played in another association, you may leave the "previous team" information blank, but be sure to write in the name of the home association of your residency.




    • U4-U6 Player Registration is $85   (+$3 credit card fee if paid online)

    • U7-U12 Player Registration is $90   (+$3 credit card fee if paid online)

    • U13-U19 Player Registration is $95   (+$3 credit card fee if paid online)

  • DO YOU CHARGE AN ADDITIONAL FEE FOR LATE REGISTRATION?  Yes, in the event that space is available after registration is closed, we charge a $10 late registration fee. 

  • HOW ARE MY REGISTRATION FEES USED? As a non-profit organization, your registration fees are applied to many aspects of running a great soccer program: referee officials, player insurance, background checks, awards, U4-U6 uniforms, equipment, tournaments and other special events, advertising, website hosting, ID cards for players and coaches, administrative fees, GotSoccer player fees, credit card processing fees, etc. To keep costs low, each season CHSA is looking for volunteers and in-kind services. 

  • DO YOU OFFER REFUNDS? No refunds are given after late registration begins.  Contact if you have any questions or concerns.


    • Your child will need the following equipment: Uniform $25-75 (depending on team preferences), cleats, shin guards, and a soccer ball. (Uniforms are provided at no cost for U4-U6 teams once per year.)

    • You may also be asked to provide fees for: Tournament (if your child's team participates in these), end-of-season party & Coach gifts, Snacks/Drinks




    • U4-U8 - Size 3 Ball

    • U9-U12 - Size 4 Ball

    • U13+ - Size 5 Ball

  • WHAT KIND OF SHOES DOES MY CHILD NEED? He/she will need soccer cleats, not baseball or some other type of cleat.  Be sure there are no "toe" cleats at the front of the shoes.

  • WHAT ITEMS ARE PROHIBITED ON THE FIELD? Hair adornments such as beads, bows, or clips are no longer allowed by the referee association.  Earrings or other jewelry may not be worn.



  • WHERE WILL PRACTICES BE? Cedar Hill Recreational Teams will practice in various parks in the Cedar Hill area.  The coach will determine where teams will practice and relay to the association. 

  • WHAT TIME AND DAY WILL PRACTICES BE? Coaches will determine what day(s) teams will practice.  If you have a preference for a day of the week, please note this on your registration form.  We can not guarantee days, but we will do our best to fill your requests.

  • HOW LONG DO TEAMS PRACTICE? Teams typically practice once or twice a week, for 1-2 hours.



  • WHERE DOES MY U4-U8 PLAYER HAVE GAMES? Our younger U4-U8 teams will play all of their games at Valley Ridge Park, in Cedar Hill.

  • WHERE DOES MY U9-U19 PLAYER HAVE GAMES? U9-U12 Teams  may play the majority of their games in Cedar Hill or play in the  Arlington Soccer Unlimited League. They will play half of their games at the home fields of Valley Ridge Park in Cedar Hill.  

  • IN WHICH LEAGUE IS MY CHILD PLAYING? Your coach will be able to tell you which league your team will be playing in. We have two options for our teams:

    • CEDAR HILL LEAGUE: For all teams age U4 - U8. (Some U9-U12)

    • ARLINGTON SOCCER UNLIMITED (ASU): For most U9 and Older Teams.



  • HOW ARE COACHES SELECTED? CHSA is a volunteer organization. We depend heavily on the parents of each team. Our coaches and volunteers have, or have had, kids playing within our organization. If you would like to volunteer to coach your child's team, simply register for a Coach account on the Coaches page and we will contact you about coach training and  acquiring a background check.

  • ARE CHSA COACHES CERTIFIED/TRAINED? We strongly encourage our coaches to attend coaching clinics with the North Texas Soccer Association.  Each coach is required to take a mandated SafeSports course. 



  • DO I NEED TO SHOW A BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR MY CHILD? All NEW players to Cedar Hill Soccer will need to show their birth certificate for age verification.  This ensures that all of our players are competing in the proper age brackets.  Players may play "up" an age level, but they may never play "down" by NTSSA rules.  We do not store paper or electronic copies of birth certificates for your child's protection.

  • MY CHILD PLAYED IN CEDAR HILL YEARS AGO, WHY AM I BEING ASKED TO DO THIS AGAIN? When we moved our records over to GotSoccer, the birth certificate verification of our players was not transferred. We must re-verify all of our players once more.

  • WILL I HAVE TO PROVIDE A BIRTH CERTIFICATE AGAIN IN FUTURE SEASONS? No, since GotSoccer is used by North Texas Soccer, your child's account will remain verified for all of the years to come, even if you move to another town in North Texas Soccer.

  • HOW CAN I SUBMIT A BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR VERIFICATION? You can submit birth certificates by email, text, or in person.  Email for more information.



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© 2018 Created by Cedar Hill Soccer Association

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